Stardust Shipping / the Seventeen Hands
The law can never be all things to all people. Sometimes, things have to happen behind the scenes, under the table, and in the shadows. That’s just the way the galaxy works, and all of you know that. Not all of you work for organized crime, but all of you understand the rules of it. Keepings thing clean helps everyone stay free and profitable, and when everyone’s turning a profit, everyone’s happy.
That mostly means giving respect to the big fish--the Seventeen Hands and the Downcity Partnership. The rivalry between the two syndicates has gone on for decades, and isn’t slowing any time soon. On Din Shass, it’s open war from time to time, but when you’re offworld, you keep things clean. You don’t kill in public. You don’t pick fights with Paladins or government officials. You keep things to quiet bribes, favors for friends, and dealing technology that’s maybe not quite legal or licensed.
The Seventeen Hands are making a play for Phaelos III, and while the Partnership is sure to respond, they don’t seem to have yet. Coordinating the efforts from remote is K. Koteiv ((Sharon Underberg)), the Third Hand, with G. Nova ((Nancy Calvert-Warren)), the Eleventh Hand, running the show on the ground. For two of the Hands to be personally involved means serious business, and anyone involved on Phaelos knows it. But of course, the general public doesn’t know the Hands are here, and doesn’t need to. As far as most folk know, you’re here to help Stardust Shipping establish a new trade route, and nothing sketchier than that.
Group Members:
G. Nova ((Nancy Calvert-Warren))
Z. Veko ((Craig Eisenberger))
K. Koteiv ((Sharon Underberg))
M. Nadir ((Joseph Colton))
G. Volti ((Andy Erikson))
Z. Gorai ((Trista Schulz))
C. Link ((Daniel Dziubinski))
Q. Dreamtangler ((Dave White))
FB Group:
SECRET GROUP: The Silencers
Seventy years ago, the experimental starship Falls The Shadow set out from Baryos on a mission to study the Horizon, the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Circinus Galaxy. Leading that expedition were Dr. Yana Kyr, an astrophysicist, and Captain Alecto Glass, of the U.A.W. Navy. As far as the public is aware, the ship was lost with all hands, and Glass and Kyr died somewhere in deep space.
The truth is much more complex than that. After a ten year voyage, the Falls The Shadow returned to known space, with Kyr and Glass among its only survivors. Captain Glass looked into the Horizon, and saw the end coming for all life. The Horizon is expanding, and will someday consume the entire galaxy. This likely will not happen for billions of years, but Glass became consumed by her obsession with the Horizon. The Horizon is more than just a black hole--it is a wormhole, with something beyond it. Captain Glass believes that if she can throw enough mass into it--planets, suns, entire solar systems--it will stabilize enough to traverse.
This is, of course, completely mad, but Glass took control of the Falls The Shadow and its surviving crew, and has been attempting to do just that for the last sixty years. She is still alive, her body so cybernetically altered that it is now just part of the ship. Her agents, the Splinters, operate in secret across the galaxy, working on nefarious engineering and research projects.
Standing against her are Dr. Yana Kyr and her followers, called the Silencers. Kyr coordinates from her own flagship, the Dead Man’s Hand, which moves from system to system, always in secret. No one has seen Kyr herself in person for years, but her orders continue to arrive. The Silencers have two major goals. First, they must keep the knowledge of the Horizon and the actions of the Splinters secret, in order to prevent widespread apocalyptic panic. Second, they must find ways to counteract Glass’s plan, and return to the Horizon to study it further.
The Silencers use biological alteration to keep up with the augmentations of the Splinters. Their main projects over the last few decades have been focused on Innates--understanding them, studying them, and improving them. The current project’s end goal has been to develop an Innate that can interface with a warp drive with no cybernetic enhancements, something Kyr theorizes will allow for closer approaches to the Horizon.
The project is nearing completion, but a group of experimental Innate subjects have escaped from their facility and gone on the run. Tracking them down has become a number one priority for all Silencers across the galaxy. Ideally, they will be brought in alive and ready for additional study. But if necessary, it is vital that they not fall into the hands of Splinters… even if that means their elimination.
Facebook Group:
The law can never be all things to all people. Sometimes, things have to happen behind the scenes, under the table, and in the shadows. That’s just the way the galaxy works, and all of you know that. Not all of you work for organized crime, but all of you understand the rules of it. Keepings thing clean helps everyone stay free and profitable, and when everyone’s turning a profit, everyone’s happy.
That mostly means giving respect to the big fish--the Seventeen Hands and the Downcity Partnership. The rivalry between the two syndicates has gone on for decades, and isn’t slowing any time soon. On Din Shass, it’s open war from time to time, but when you’re offworld, you keep things clean. You don’t kill in public. You don’t pick fights with Paladins or government officials. You keep things to quiet bribes, favors for friends, and dealing technology that’s maybe not quite legal or licensed.
The Seventeen Hands are making a play for Phaelos III, and while the Partnership is sure to respond, they don’t seem to have yet. Coordinating the efforts from remote is K. Koteiv ((Sharon Underberg)), the Third Hand, with G. Nova ((Nancy Calvert-Warren)), the Eleventh Hand, running the show on the ground. For two of the Hands to be personally involved means serious business, and anyone involved on Phaelos knows it. But of course, the general public doesn’t know the Hands are here, and doesn’t need to. As far as most folk know, you’re here to help Stardust Shipping establish a new trade route, and nothing sketchier than that.
Group Members:
G. Nova ((Nancy Calvert-Warren))
Z. Veko ((Craig Eisenberger))
K. Koteiv ((Sharon Underberg))
M. Nadir ((Joseph Colton))
G. Volti ((Andy Erikson))
Z. Gorai ((Trista Schulz))
C. Link ((Daniel Dziubinski))
Q. Dreamtangler ((Dave White))
FB Group:
SECRET GROUP: The Silencers
Seventy years ago, the experimental starship Falls The Shadow set out from Baryos on a mission to study the Horizon, the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Circinus Galaxy. Leading that expedition were Dr. Yana Kyr, an astrophysicist, and Captain Alecto Glass, of the U.A.W. Navy. As far as the public is aware, the ship was lost with all hands, and Glass and Kyr died somewhere in deep space.
The truth is much more complex than that. After a ten year voyage, the Falls The Shadow returned to known space, with Kyr and Glass among its only survivors. Captain Glass looked into the Horizon, and saw the end coming for all life. The Horizon is expanding, and will someday consume the entire galaxy. This likely will not happen for billions of years, but Glass became consumed by her obsession with the Horizon. The Horizon is more than just a black hole--it is a wormhole, with something beyond it. Captain Glass believes that if she can throw enough mass into it--planets, suns, entire solar systems--it will stabilize enough to traverse.
This is, of course, completely mad, but Glass took control of the Falls The Shadow and its surviving crew, and has been attempting to do just that for the last sixty years. She is still alive, her body so cybernetically altered that it is now just part of the ship. Her agents, the Splinters, operate in secret across the galaxy, working on nefarious engineering and research projects.
Standing against her are Dr. Yana Kyr and her followers, called the Silencers. Kyr coordinates from her own flagship, the Dead Man’s Hand, which moves from system to system, always in secret. No one has seen Kyr herself in person for years, but her orders continue to arrive. The Silencers have two major goals. First, they must keep the knowledge of the Horizon and the actions of the Splinters secret, in order to prevent widespread apocalyptic panic. Second, they must find ways to counteract Glass’s plan, and return to the Horizon to study it further.
The Silencers use biological alteration to keep up with the augmentations of the Splinters. Their main projects over the last few decades have been focused on Innates--understanding them, studying them, and improving them. The current project’s end goal has been to develop an Innate that can interface with a warp drive with no cybernetic enhancements, something Kyr theorizes will allow for closer approaches to the Horizon.
The project is nearing completion, but a group of experimental Innate subjects have escaped from their facility and gone on the run. Tracking them down has become a number one priority for all Silencers across the galaxy. Ideally, they will be brought in alive and ready for additional study. But if necessary, it is vital that they not fall into the hands of Splinters… even if that means their elimination.
Facebook Group:
Player: Trista Schulz
Name: Z. Gorai
Group: Seventeen Hands / Silencers
Homeworld: Agerre
Variant: Evo
Character Coach: Evan Torner ([email protected])
You were born just too late. If you’d been born a decade earlier, you could’ve fought in the war, been a hero of Agerre. Your cousin, V. Gorai ((Tara Leederman)), was a soldier, and a hero, and is now highly ranked in the military leadership of Agerre. But Gorai has been wasting their time. Agerre has grown weak in the years since the end of the war.
So you left home and set out to make your own name for yourself, and you’ve done a pretty decent job of that. You’ve done a bit of everything over the years. Mostly you’ve been a bounty hunter, tracking down criminals on the run. Well, sometimes it’s criminals, sometimes it’s just whoever needs tracking. You’re not too picky about what jobs you take. A job is a job, after all, and someone always gets hurt. What matters is that you get paid.
That brought you into conflict with the one real partner you had. N. Tydar ((Mike Fatum)) was a real good bounty hunter, and the two of you worked well together, but… they were just such a goody two-shoes. Which, hey, you’re not a terrible person. You’re easy to get along with, and most people like you. You just don’t have much interest in things like morals. So when a job came along to run security for an underground slave ring, you didn’t care much. But Tydar wouldn’t take the job, and was horrified that you were fine with it. The two of you went your separate ways. Shame, that.
It wasn’t long after that you fell in with the Silencers. They’re the ones who enhanced you, used dynavolution to make you even better. You don’t care overly much about the cause, such as it is, but they pay well, and they don’t call you in too often. You’ve done a few jobs for them over the years, and you’re happy to do more. You’re not gonna drop what you’re doing to track down these experiments, but sure, you’ll keep an eye out.
While out on a job, you developed a rivalry with another bounty hunter--G. Volti ((Andy Erikson)). Sometimes it was a playful rivalry, sometimes it was a little more cutthroat. You’ve been on the trail of the same bounty a dozen times now, and most of the time, you’ve made the catch first. You enjoy taunting Volti with that, and for a while even made a game of making sure to always take assignments that came up if you knew Volti was already working on it.
And your latest assignment has the two of you working on the same ship, which is somewhere between hilarious and deeply irritating. The Seventeen Hands needed some security for their fake shipping operation, and you saw Volti was involved, so you decided to sign on too. You’ve been flying for a few months aboard the Pearl Ambassador, a piece of junk smuggling ship. The Captain, M. Nadir ((Joseph Colton)) is terrible, but the pay is decent, and it keeps you moving, letting you keep an eye out for those escaped Silencer experiments.
You love the life of a bounty hunter, but you’ve never been fully satisfied with it. You want to make a name for yourself. You want to be a legend. You want history to remember you for something. At this point you’re not sure what it’d take to pull that off, though. You don’t want to just start killing galactic leaders--that’ll get you thrown in jail. You’ll have to be more creative than that. But whatever it takes… you don’t want to be forgotten.
Light: You’re an extremely talented and capable bounty hunter. You always get the job done. You even have a bit of a prankish side, usually focused on upsetting G. Volti.
Dark: Tracking down escaped experiments… well, some might call them people, but you could care less. It pays and it keeps you amused. But you need something to make you a legend. Something that’ll make sure everyone knows your name. What are you prepared to do for that?
V. Gorai ((Tara Leederman))
N. Tydar ((Mike Fatum))
G. Volti ((Andy Erikson))
M. Nadir ((Joseph Colton))
Name: Z. Gorai
Group: Seventeen Hands / Silencers
Homeworld: Agerre
Variant: Evo
Character Coach: Evan Torner ([email protected])
You were born just too late. If you’d been born a decade earlier, you could’ve fought in the war, been a hero of Agerre. Your cousin, V. Gorai ((Tara Leederman)), was a soldier, and a hero, and is now highly ranked in the military leadership of Agerre. But Gorai has been wasting their time. Agerre has grown weak in the years since the end of the war.
So you left home and set out to make your own name for yourself, and you’ve done a pretty decent job of that. You’ve done a bit of everything over the years. Mostly you’ve been a bounty hunter, tracking down criminals on the run. Well, sometimes it’s criminals, sometimes it’s just whoever needs tracking. You’re not too picky about what jobs you take. A job is a job, after all, and someone always gets hurt. What matters is that you get paid.
That brought you into conflict with the one real partner you had. N. Tydar ((Mike Fatum)) was a real good bounty hunter, and the two of you worked well together, but… they were just such a goody two-shoes. Which, hey, you’re not a terrible person. You’re easy to get along with, and most people like you. You just don’t have much interest in things like morals. So when a job came along to run security for an underground slave ring, you didn’t care much. But Tydar wouldn’t take the job, and was horrified that you were fine with it. The two of you went your separate ways. Shame, that.
It wasn’t long after that you fell in with the Silencers. They’re the ones who enhanced you, used dynavolution to make you even better. You don’t care overly much about the cause, such as it is, but they pay well, and they don’t call you in too often. You’ve done a few jobs for them over the years, and you’re happy to do more. You’re not gonna drop what you’re doing to track down these experiments, but sure, you’ll keep an eye out.
While out on a job, you developed a rivalry with another bounty hunter--G. Volti ((Andy Erikson)). Sometimes it was a playful rivalry, sometimes it was a little more cutthroat. You’ve been on the trail of the same bounty a dozen times now, and most of the time, you’ve made the catch first. You enjoy taunting Volti with that, and for a while even made a game of making sure to always take assignments that came up if you knew Volti was already working on it.
And your latest assignment has the two of you working on the same ship, which is somewhere between hilarious and deeply irritating. The Seventeen Hands needed some security for their fake shipping operation, and you saw Volti was involved, so you decided to sign on too. You’ve been flying for a few months aboard the Pearl Ambassador, a piece of junk smuggling ship. The Captain, M. Nadir ((Joseph Colton)) is terrible, but the pay is decent, and it keeps you moving, letting you keep an eye out for those escaped Silencer experiments.
You love the life of a bounty hunter, but you’ve never been fully satisfied with it. You want to make a name for yourself. You want to be a legend. You want history to remember you for something. At this point you’re not sure what it’d take to pull that off, though. You don’t want to just start killing galactic leaders--that’ll get you thrown in jail. You’ll have to be more creative than that. But whatever it takes… you don’t want to be forgotten.
Light: You’re an extremely talented and capable bounty hunter. You always get the job done. You even have a bit of a prankish side, usually focused on upsetting G. Volti.
Dark: Tracking down escaped experiments… well, some might call them people, but you could care less. It pays and it keeps you amused. But you need something to make you a legend. Something that’ll make sure everyone knows your name. What are you prepared to do for that?
- What will you do to become a legend among the stars?
- You strongly suspect that the Silencer experiments might have been people once. Do you care about that at all, and what the Silencers might do to you in the future?
- Would you prefer to be rich or to be famous and broke?
- How far are you willing to take your rivalry?
V. Gorai ((Tara Leederman))
N. Tydar ((Mike Fatum))
G. Volti ((Andy Erikson))
M. Nadir ((Joseph Colton))